Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Music on video: Little Child by Din Din Wo Retrieved from http://www.actionext.com/names_h/habib_koite_and_bamada_lyrics/din_din_wo_little_child.html

So here is my attempt at a video. Now for any of you who knew me in a previous life I was a television producer so you are probably expecting something really amazing and then you watched this and went WHAT! Is this girl serious. So allow me to elaborate that when I produced television I was a producer. I never operated a camera or sound gear and I always worked with a highly trained editor to produce my stories. This is the first time I have ever even hopped onto Movie Maker.
So as with most things done in my life at the moment this was done with extreme haste.
On reflection this software was incredibly easy to use. I literally clicked and dragged most things and it was very user friendly. That’s good news because I intend on teaching primary school students so it will need to be simple and straightforward. Although having said that the average 7 year old is probably far more computer literate than me.
·         Is medium children can relate to thanks to the prominence of television, films and things they are exposed to everyday.
·         Visually and orally the combination of words and pictures is very exciting and easy to engage with.

  • easy to use,
  • can bring still images to life with the addition of music,
  • user friendly and fun, interactive,
  • unlimited possibilities when you start incorporating commentary, videos, that sort of thing.  
  • cost effective movie making as it can all be done with a small camera and a PC
·         Kids can engage in the material in a way they will relate to.
·         Loads of fun to be had creating your own films.
·         Cost effective movie making these days all you need is a PC and small digital camera which most families would own.
·         Unlimited possibilities in terms of what you can do, small films, reenactments, interviews, film science experiments, film things outside the classrooms. Field trips.
·         Passive watching, kids might zone out in front of TV.
·         Time consuming to make the material good enough to excite and engage.
·         Competition from commercially produced material that is much slicker than anything they could create in the classroom.
  • time consuming, not just learning to use the technology but I would imagine that you could spend hours and hours on even the most simple video trying to make it even better, copyright issues. I say this because I had trouble uploading music and felt unsure about what I could use. Eventually a list of songs from somewhere in itunes kept popping up. SO I picked one. Little Child By Din Din Wo. Again I am learning about this. I have given reference to the music but because I am broadcasting it on my website I am concerned I am breaking the law.
·         Technology can fail you at a crucial time.
·         Copyright issues over where images are located and what music is used.
·         Teachers could rely too heavily on ready made documentaries etc rather than getting the kids to engage and create their own materials. That is become literate in the technology rather than just be a passive watcher
Ideas for Use in The classroom
·       Students could collaborate on a small film by researching a topic, interviewing relevant people in their own community, perhaps they could make their own music as a soundtrack, or source music from around the world. The possibilities are endless in terms of addressing subject matter and engaging in the ICT’s as they develop their skills. 

Schwartz, D.L., & Hartman, K. (2007). It is not television anymore: Designing digital
            video for learning and assessment.  Retrieved from CQUniversity Course Resources
           Online EDED 20491 http://aaalab.stanford.edu/papers/Designed_Video_for_Learning.pdf

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