Sunday, March 20, 2011


This week we were asked to set up a web page and a wiki space.

My web page is a work in progress and I am definitely finding this the hardest technology to navigate. If you're interested here is the link.

My wiki space, on the other hand is giving me a great sense of pleasure. I decided that in order to be able to analyse the technology effectively I had to make it authentic. So, as books and reading to my own kids is something I really enjoy I have asked friends, family and colleagues to post up their own favourite kids book of all time. So far there are around 10 people up there and it's been working really well. Not an avalanche of a response I know, but enough to get me going. Here is the link.

If you are after my SWOT analysis of this and the other technologies then you'll have to follow the link below and that's because in the spirit of constructivism, connectivism and ICT good will I have decided to team up with another GDLT Student called Julienne who has opted to make her wiki space our collective reflection.

So far so good. I have engaged in the various technologies, I have collaborated with a peer, and I have shown I can add links, content and interact all through the various ICT's.

Assessment 2 here we come.

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